
,,HTTP狀態碼(英語:HTTPStatusCode)是用以表示網頁伺服器超文字傳輸協定回應...表示伺服器無法完成明顯有效的請求。這類狀態碼代表了伺服器在處理請求的過程 ...,WhatisthemeaningoferrormesageHTTPError56:Failurewhenreceivingdatafromthepeer:Recvfailure:ConnectionwasresetinBigFixcomponentlogs?,2020年8月3日—IntermittentlywegetHTTPClienterror:<56>Failurewhenreceivingdatafromfromthepeer.afterwegetthis...


HTTP狀態碼(英語:HTTP Status Code)是用以表示網頁伺服器超文字傳輸協定回應 ... 表示伺服器無法完成明顯有效的請求。這類狀態碼代表了伺服器在處理請求的過程 ...

HTTP Error 56

What is the meaning of error mesage HTTP Error 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer: Recv failure: Connection was reset in BigFix component logs?

HTTP Client error

2020年8月3日 — Intermittently we get HTTP Client error: &lt;56&gt; Failure when receiving data from from the peer. after we get this, we run an adhoc job to transfer ...

Curl Error 56 "Failure when receiving data from the peer" ...

2015年1月22日 — When I received this error last time, it was proxy blocking the request to the server. ... you have appended the file to be POST in URL itself, ...

[] cURL error 56

ERROR: [] cURL error 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer · Passing data to be uploaded in URL itself instead of POST request · Probably Proxy blocking ...

HTTP Error 56

2022年6月28日 — HTTP Error 56: Failure when receiving data from the peer: Received HTTP code 400 from proxy after CONNECT : Trying to Configure Bigfix Proxy.


2024年6月7日 — Error 56 is caused by the LabVIEW code not receiving a network response within a user defined time limit. This error is a generic timeout ...